Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Late, Like Everything I Do

Does anyone else realize that in nine days I will have been in France for one month? Hard to believe. I've been meaning for weeks now to actually sit down and create this blog, but of course I've found other things to divert me. What with all the crèpes to eat and streets to explore there is hardly even time to study. And then there was the problem of not having a laptop at my apartment. Of course there are always school computers, but that would require me to painstakingly peck out the letters on these oh-so-frustrating French keyboards (read: the Q is in the A spot, you have to SHIFT for a period, W is in the Z spot, and all other sorts of aerobatic switching of locations). But, as luck would have it, my charming French host family offered me the use of their second laptop and so I have no other excuses. So please just know that I am painstakingly pecking at this very moment just for you. And thus I begin late, as usual, with an account of my marvelous and sometimes mundane adventures abroad.

So, to recap the past month: I arrived safely in Aix-en-Provence, France after a rather uneventful trans-Atlantic flight, a seven hour layover in the heinous Gatwick London airport, and jet-lagged bus ride from Marseille. I am living with an adorable older French couple about a 20 minute walk from the school. Adjusting to living with strangers was a little difficult at first, but I think I've finally found a comfortable balance between family member and boarder and I really enjoy being here now. School (the official reason I am here) is going nicely as well, but I'll have to explain this in more detail later. In effect, I am completely content in this jolie ville of Aix. Now if only the weather would improve.

Rather unrelated to my travels abroad, today is my brother's sixth birthday. And so, bonne anniversaire Stewie! Je me te manque!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Allsion, I am so glad you started a blog, I am so excited to read your adventures. Don't work the weather will improve soon and you will love it. At least you are not in a tornado watch right now. I am glad you like your host family they sound very nice, and I love the Pj thing I love those jammies. Stay focused and study hard. Lp from VF
