Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rather insignificant, and yet...

...I'm still proud of myself.

Yesterday as I was walking past the bus stop near my house a woman asked me for directions. This was a triumphant moment for several reasons:
1. She had a slight speech impediment that made her French rather difficult to understand but I was able to do so nonetheless.
2. I actually knew where she needed to go.
3. I was able to answer her in French.
4. I must not have looked so completely American and out of place as to make her avoid asking me.

In retrospect, though, I wonder if she actually found the place.


  1. I am sure you gave correct directions and I am sure she found her way. Awesome, now if only I could do that in spanish. Leslie

  2. I KNOW your directions were right on! isn't that the funnest thing ever? those little Authentic French Life/Communication moments?! rock on Allison!!!
