Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Le Printemps

I had initially planned to spend these few days before Italy at the beach and exploring local sights, but the lack of money and desire to make more travel plans has rather quenched it. And so, I've stayed in town catching up on movies and spending time with friends.

Today, my friend Xaviera and I decided to walk around the outskirts of our neighborhood. I've always meant to explore the unknown part of "farther up the hill" but it's usually too exhausting just to make it to my own apartment after a long day of class. The weather was the warmest it has been in weeks. Sunny, clear--the perfect epitome of spring.

We traipsed down long gravel roads, through tall fields of grass and wildflowers, past well-hidden houses covered in vines and colored shutters. We bemoaned the lack of accessible nature in Aix (she's from Sweden, so she understands) as we searched for somewhere soft, grassy, or dry. We finally found a charming field with olive trees, wild flowers, and an exquisite view of Mont St. Victoire.

And so we frolicked.

And made flower chains.

It was lovely.


  1. Looks like a wonderful day!!lp

  2. you look so French in your frolicking!! great day indeed.
